Riley keeps moving forward on multiple sports car fronts

Riley keeps moving forward on multiple sports car fronts

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Riley keeps moving forward on multiple sports car fronts

Bill Riley is a prominent figure in sports car racing, known for his busy schedule and involvement in multiple race teams and categories. He runs or assists in running three race teams in different series and is involved in various projects, such as building Trans Am cars and continuation Ford GT Mk IVs. Despite his packed schedule, he remains affable and dedicated to his work. Riley is currently running a championship-winning LMP3 effort in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship and a GT3 effort with Crowdstrike Racing in Fanatec GT World Challenge America. He has recently partnered with Kellymoss for their two-car GTD effort in the WeatherTech Championship, which has already achieved a victory and podium finishes. In addition to his sports car programs, Riley also plans to move his LMP3 team to LMP2 next season. Throughout his success, Riley credits the hard-working individuals on his team for their achievements.

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